速報APP / 攝影 / SNAP Circle

SNAP Circle



檔案大小:28.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


SNAP Circle(圖1)-速報App

"SNAP Circle" is an experimental concept of creating a 360 degree gif by collective effort with friends.

Let's frozen the captivating moments in the form of still images whose perspective can be manipulated. And share the gif that loop back and forth with your friends!


- Synchronisation: Sync control up to 90 camera to take a full 360 degree of a center object

- Connection: Pop-up user profile picture to show the connection progress

- Positioning: Positions of players will be shown on a illustrated approximate diagram

- Easy sharing to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter or share them later from your camera roll

Innovative Workflow:

SNAP Circle(圖2)-速報App

1. Find a group:

Find people (>1) that are interested in playing and set up your group.

2. Form a circle:

Form a circle and choose a person to host. The person who hosted the game is responsible for camera control.

3. Connection:

Connect the game by entering the passcode.

4. Make a 360

Once synchronised, each camera aim at common subject and ready to generate a 360 animated gif.

SNAP Circle(圖3)-速報App


由香港藝術中心主辦、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家捐助《賽馬會 ifva Everywhere》,計劃將於9月24至25日假中環海濱摩天輪舉行本地首個戶外影像藝術節《賽馬會ifva Everywhere》ifva影像嘉年華,超過125個創作單位包括本地媒體藝術家、電影人、插畫師、音樂唱作人即場參與,集電影、短片、動畫、媒體藝術、音樂、市集於一身。重點包括:充滿熱血、汗水、挑戰製作極限的48小時短片製作挑戰賽;16毫米菲林手繪工作坊;一人一拍多角度拍攝,集體創作360度環迴立體短片;露天放映《海報師:阮大勇的插畫藝術》,如何一筆一劃勾勒電影海報;馬拉松放映等精彩節目,兩日兩夜,全城光影相隨,齊來享受與眾同樂的觀影體驗。

SNAP Circle(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad